Another good day.

Another good day.

The weather was good. Little bit cold but sunny and nice. We had to sail far out, but when we got there it was so amazing. We had three humpback whales swimming around the boat! Could not be better!
Another good day.

First trip of the season.

We are so happy to start the season. The weather was amazing and of course the view! We started the trip with some harbor porpoise swimming around the boat. Then after been looking for a while we saw a humpback Whale. It did not want to lift the tail, so we did not...
Another good day.

Humpbacks close to Hauganes!

Even though it’s getting colder now every day and winter is looming we still have beautiful humpbacks here close to our village of Hauganes. If you want to come whale watching with the oldest whale watching tour operator in Iceland just give us a call and we...
Humpback just south of Hauganes!

Humpback just south of Hauganes!

We’ve had good recent tours even though the whales have been a little all over the place here in Eyafjörður fjord, North Iceland. We have though one really beautiful humpback here just south of Hauganes which means that we will be having really good whale...
Humpback just south of Hauganes!

Humpbacks just north of Hauganes!

We’ve had really amazing tours the recent days seeing humpbacks here just north of Hauganes. As the weather forecast looks really good for the next days we believe that we’re in for even more amazing tours. 
Humpback just south of Hauganes!

Humpbacks and dolphins!

Even though we had some rainy days last week we’ve been seeing humpbacks in all our tours along with minke whales, harbour porpoises and dolphins. The weather forecast for the next days look really good, so now it’s time for some whale...
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