One pair

One pair

Lovely day on the sea. We had a three humpback whales. Two of them were swimming to gather. The luck was with us and they came close to the boat. In the end they lifted their flukes and waved us goodbye.
One pair

What a day!

To day was windy, but it was nice on the boat. We saw three species, harbor porpoise, minke whale and four humpback whales. It was amazing how the humpback whales were eating around the boat. They came so close to us again and again.
On the horizon

On the horizon

The weather was so nice and the sea calm. Our captain started the day by looking to the horizon and saw a humpback whale from hour harbor. When we sailed out we noticed that there were four humpback whales close to Hauganes. And we got to see three of them close to...
On the horizon

Spring is in the air

What a wonderful day! It was warm, the sun was shining and we had this beautiful view. There was a humpback whale 20 minutes from our harbor that we got to see and enjoy. There were also harbour porpoise and a dolphin that we saw during our tours.
On the horizon

Trhee humpacks

We had a good day to day on the sea. We had three humpbacks on the tour that we could enjoy. They were only 20 minutes from Hauganes so we had plenty of time with them. It was a little cold but we had our overalls on so it was alright.
On the horizon

What an experience!

The last few weeks have been amazing. We’ve had so many whales in the fjord, mostly humpback whales who are eager show us their moves and splashes. Sightings on every trip since april! The weather has also been very calm for this time of year. Amazing...