by alliwhales | Feb 7, 2020 | Captain's log
We had such an amazing tour this morning where we found a relaxed humpback whale close to land. The weather was beautiful and we expect it to stay so the next days.
by alliwhales | Feb 4, 2020 | Captain's log
We’ve had some lovely tours the recent days. Even though a little cold, the whales have been close by and the fishing has been quite an experience. We expect warmer days ahead!
by alliwhales | Jan 30, 2020 | Captain's log
We did a beautiful tour today where the weather was at its best and we found a humpback whale close by which has been circulating here for a few days. We expect him to stay here for the next days – even weeks.
by soffia | Jan 7, 2020 | Captain's log
The last couple of days have been hard. The weather is often so bad that we haw had to cancel the tips, and sometimes we go out and that the wind and the snow beets us. But today was alright. There was no wind but it was snowing a little bit. We saw dolphins swimming...
by soffia | Dec 29, 2019 | Captain's log
To day the weather was nice but we had a lot of deep sea under wave, so the sea condition was a little bit ruff. In the begining of the trip it was snowing but after a while it sky opened up. But after sailing for a while we saw a humpback whale.
by soffia | Dec 28, 2019 | Captain's log
To day we had a good day. We had a little bit of deep sea under waves but nothing that was to much. The weather was nice but cold. On the way home it started to snow. We saw a lot of dolphins, 100-120 animals in two groups. They were jumping and swimming with the...