Pilot whales and humpbacks!

Pilot whales and humpbacks!

We had such amazing tours today where we saw both humpback whales and the unique and not so commonly spotted pilot whales here close to Hauganes. We expect lovely tours the next days!
Great tours these days!

Great tours these days!

We’ve had such nice tours these days as the whales are close by. The weather forecast looks good so we can safely say that the next days will be close to perfect for whale watching!
Pilot whales and humpbacks!

Beginning of autum.

To day we had a beautiful weather, but also all kind of weather. It was never much wind so the sea was smooth. But we had rain, sun, cloudy and all of this to gather in the same moment. In the morning we saw a humpback whale and a minke  whale. In the other to...
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