The 2016 Whale watching season is about to start. Beautiful humpback whale breaching near our oak boat, Niels Jonsson
Ship Ahoy!
The much anticipated 2016 Whale Watching Season commences in May 15th, just short of two weeks from today. We’ve been preparing our two boats, Niels Jónsson and Sandvikin, the last couple of weeks after the now finished winter fishing season. Many of you might know that we also catch fish over the winter months, of course from the sustainable fish stock around Iceland. We sell the fish to the local markets here in Eyjafjordur, which eventually ends up on the plate of countless fish enthusiast all over the world, possible your plate as well. 🙂 So after the winter season both our boats are in need of a light summer makeover at the local shipyard demanding hours upon hours of scraping, scrubbing, painting and varnishing. Now when both Níels Jónsson and Sandvikin are as good as new, it’s safe to say that we are ready for the 2016 whale watching season!
The whales in North Iceland
We´ve been scouting the waters here in Eyjafjordur the last couple of weeks in order for us to get a clear picture of the presence of the cetaceans after their migration from the warmer waters around the equator. We’re glad to say that we have spotted many humpback whales, minke whales and harbour porpoises in smaller and larger groups in the mouth of Eyjafjordur in the north. Our first reaction on seeing the whales, their size and numbers and how far into the Eyjafjordur fjord the whales have ventured, is that we believe that this summer will be as good as the summer of 2015 when we had a viewing success of 99%, which was an exceptional year.
In short; the 2016 whale watching season looks amazing and we’re so excited that we really can’t contain ourselves! We look forward to seeing you 🙂